The leader’s job is to inspire people to work together in the service of something greater than themselves. To be called a leader, your must inspire your team through your actions and words to believe in a common vision. The mark of a true leader is the ability to encourage the employee commitment and engagement that is the foundation for continued success. To start leading and stop bossing, emulating the habits of inspiring leaders.

Truly inspiring leaders can find the bright side of any issue. They know that doom and gloom accomplishes nothing, so they remain beacons of positivity in the face of challenges and failures. Of course, problems happen and troubleshooting is inevitable. But if you want to be a truly inspirational, show others the silver lining.

Customers and employees alike are much more likely to jump ship when a leader’s top priority is success, even at the cost of the team’s well-being. Leaders inspire others to look up to them by telling the truth, being in integrity with what they promise and living honestly and earnestly. When employees take pride in their leadership and their organization, inspiration follows close behind.

In this video, I talk about the fundamental principle of why leaders need to inspire.

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