I recently attended an online workshop and we were put together in groups to talk about the impact of Covid-19 on our lives. Strangely enough, we all said more or less the same thing and our group couldn’t have been more diverse. A mother from the US, an engineer based in Dubai, and architect in Denmark. We learned to focus more on family and friends. We all appreciated small things down to changing leaves of a tree that we walk by every morning. We all said we become more grateful for being healthy, our dog and to have a job that pays our bills. While the outbreak of Covid-19 has global implications for the economy and people’s lives, as over 2 Mio. died and the economic downturn with so many out of work, with nowhere to go, Covid-19 seemed to have reminded us on a personal level what is important: family, friends, health, and simple joys such as a walk.

But think about it, Covid-19 only brought out, what was always most important to us. As all the noise, distractions and business came to an abrupt halt with the lockdown measures, we focused on us and those most important to us. We became curious again, connected with old friends, our family members and might have rediscovered ourselves and trees in our neighborhood that we never noticed in the first place. It’s what happens when you recognize the beauty of this with an open heart and from a place of curiosity. Keep that mindset of curiosity, exploration and finding joy in the small moments. Take a pen out and write down the three practices and habits you adopted that you want to keep post Covid-19. Do not overlook the power some of your new ways you adopted despite the chaos and changes. When you are finally back in the place that we always were – but just got distracted along the way – where you are able to appreciate the smallest things, you truly connect to yourself and you are more at ease with yourself and the world around you.

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