Marika Guderian

If you want a different outcome in your life, you have to be that change that you want to see in your life


I am a humanitarian, traveler, writer and activist on a mission to change the way we understand and address poverty. I have always wanted to work on helping others, ever since I saw that Indonesian boy at the traffic light in 1999 in Jakarta begging for money while I was visiting my friend’s birthplace Indonesia during my high school year in the United States. My dream has come true. I am working in the humanitarian sector since almost 10 years now, in one of the most

difficult places such as South Sudan, Mali, Central African Republic, Nigeria and the Middle East. I have traveled the world, met some of the most beautiful people and places and most influential leaders, trying to make this world a better place.

Learn how to reduce stress and build a life where you thrive and not survive

6 Steps to Build a thriving life and fulfilled life!

This free guide walks you through a six step process in order for you to form a mindset and habits that allows you to manage every crisis and challenge

Download your free workbook


My purpose is to bring compassion to what we do. Videos To Inspire brings fascinating stories and conversations from all distant corners of the world straight to the viewers living room. Listen to new episodes month a month from anywhere.

Why leaders need to inspire - youtube

Why leaders need to inspire

November 9, 2021
The leader’s job is to inspire people to work together in the service of something greater than themselves. To be ...Read More
School of Humanity Brand Image

Creating healthy boundaries

July 3, 2021
Harvard says that relationships are key to our happiness in life. They followed people over the years and that was ...Read More

Flow states

March 26, 2021
Imagine the moment before running a race. Deep breaths behind the starting line keep your pounding heart at bay, and ...Read More
Goar - the dream towards an education in South Sudan - youtube

Goar – the dream towards an education in South Sudan

December 15, 2020
  The video is about two young guys in South Sudan who barely escaped the war and landed in a ...Read More

Learn With Me

As a humanitarian aid worker, I lived in over 25 countries on 4 continents in the last 20 years. I had the opportunity to reflect and learn from the best leaders who staved off famine of millions of people, seeing heads of states up close, famous researchers and thinkers, who overcame major obstacles and barriers. Today, I want to share this knowledge with you to help you step into your own place of leadership and power.

Here is where you can start as I will be posting on a monthly basis content for free.

How to train your mind to help you live a healthy and fulfilled life

March 19, 2022
Mindset and self-development have become buzzwords in recent years. Not only that. The global personal development market size was ...

Why burnout is inherent in your job description as a humanitarian and how to find the way back to ourselves

January 23, 2022
In the summer of 2016, I left South Sudan forever. I remember staying at a tent in the airport and ...

The most important skill you need to learn in your life that no one taught

September 18, 2021
Three years ago, I had a personal and professional crisis. I hit a massive roadblock, rock bottom. Now, I have ...

When falling in love is not about someone else

September 11, 2021
Our relationships are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. If we have no love within us, we ...


Rediscovering your zest for life

The spiritual teacher  Sadhguru, once asked his students: “Do you ...

Traveling changes you as a person

I traveled to Istanbul in 2020 when Turkey was still ...

I chose love when I see hate, war and pain

There are places you visit, enjoy and there are places ...

No other place called home

All language is a longing for home, says Rumi, a ...

In the city of love

We are constantly told that we are not good enough ...


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